What is International Credit Mobility (ICM Program)?
For over 25 years, Europe has funded the Erasmus+ program, which has enabled over 3 million European students to spend part of their studies in another higher education institution (HEI) elsewhere in Europe. Erasmus+ now opens up these opportunities to students and staff from other parts of the world. Under international credit mobility, a HEI in a Partner Country can send its students and vice versa. Students are able to study abroad for a limited period of 3 to 12 months for which credits are obtained. After the mobility phase, the students return to their sending institution to complete their studies.
Mobility is conducted according to the minimum and maximum duration of time determined by the European Commission. Study mobility should be minimum 3 months or 1 trimester, maximum 12 months. Altınbas University students usually are able to spend a semester (3 to 5 months) at one of the partner universities.
A student may receive Erasmus mobility grants for a maximum of 12 months in any study cycle (Bachelor/ Master/PhD).
Interruption of Mobility
Mobility should be completed without any interruption. For study mobility semester breaks and official holidays are not counted as interruption.
In case the mobility is interrupted due to a force majeure*, the grant is paid just for the actualized period of the mobility if the force majeure is documented.
If the mobility is interrupted without any force majeure, the mobility is cancelled and the grant already paid has to be fully refunded (80% of the total grant) to Altınbas University.
(* Force Majeure is an unforeseeable exceptional situation or event beyond the participant’s control and not attributable to error or negligence on his/her part and prevents participant from fulfillment of liability under the Agreement)
If there is a “Force Majeure” (mücbir sebep) situation, the student should immediately get in touch with Altınbas University and will seek Turkish National Agency’s advice and approval on the matter. If Turkish National Agency approves the situation as “Force Majeure”, then Altınbas University will inform the student and the student will be able to return home before the end of the mobility period.
Country | University | Quota | Mobility Type | Department |
Tunisia | North American Private University | 1 | study | Computer and Software Engineering or Business Administration |
Indonesia | Universitas Indonesia | 1 | study | Medicine or Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering or Economy |
Chile | UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE CHILE | 1 | study | Civil Engineering, Mechanical, Computer, Industrial Engineering, Architecture Departments |
Azerbaijan | Ada University, | 1 | study | Law or International Relations or Computer Engineering |
Bosnia and Herzegnovia | University of Sarajevo | 1 | study | Medicine |
Kosovo | Universum International College | 1 | study | Computer Engineering or Business Administration |
USA | Valdosta State University | 1 | study | Business |
- Full-time students enrolled in a higher education program (associate, undergraduate, graduate, doctorate, medical specialty) offered by Altınbaş University are eligible to apply for student mobility.
- Undergraduate degree students are required to have a minimum GPA of 3.00 out of 4.00; master’s and PhD students are required to have a minimum GPA of 3.50 out of 4.00.
- Applicants should have at least a B2 level of the language that they will study at partner University and must get minimum grade of 60 points/out of 100 points from the Erasmus English exam which is provided by School of Foreign Language or must provide a minimum TOEFL IBT score of 72, or minimum YDS/e-YDS/YÖKDİL score of 60, or PTE Academic 55.
- Students must take the Foreign Language Placement Test (exam dates are announced) to be administered by Altınbaş University School of Foreign Languages if s/he does not have valid above test results after the application progresses over.
- Erasmus Foreign Language Placement Tests are valid for two years. Students who want to use the exam grades entered in previous years should indicate this issue in the relevant field of the application form.
- If the host university asks for national language abilities, B2 level certificates issued by Cultural Centres operating under the Embassies of relevant countries in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
- Minimum passing score for Language Test is 60 for Erasmus study mobility. In order to participate in Erasmus mobility applicants must meet this requirement.
.TOEFL iBT YDS/YÖKDİL Altinbas University Proficiency Test 120 100 100 114 95 95 108 90 90 102 85 85 96 80 80 90 75 75 84 70 70 78 65 65 72 60 60 66 55 55 60 50 50 54 45 45 48 40 40 - Sample proficiency exam is released by the language school of Altınbaş University, please click here.
- To be eligible to participate in Erasmus study mobility, applicants must have enough ECTS credits/student workload. Pursuant to European Commission’s ECTS Users’ Guide, 60 ECTS credits are allocated to the learning outcomes and associated workload of a full-time academic year. (If a student needs 240 credits for graduation, but s/he could complete only 235 credits, his/her application will not be accepted. If a student wants to take part in mobility for one semester, s/he shall not yet complete minimum 30 ECTS and minimum 60 ECTS for two semesters in order to meet graduation requirements).
- In case any student has already taken part in Erasmus+ mobility activities during his/her regular period of education, s/he shall not participate in a mobility activity lasting more than 12 months (For instance, if student has already participated in an Erasmus+ study mobility of 9 months, his/her application to a student mobility expected to last 4 and a half month shall not be approved. However, such students are allowed to attend 3-month placement mobility).
- Attendance to orientation meetings/info sessions are mandatory to make your application.
- The applications must be done on time according to the deadlines and must be done officially.
Important notice: All students wishing to participate in Erasmus+ mobility for studies are free to apply to the programme, yet, only students who meet the minimum requirements shall be eligible to get the English Proficiency Test. Students who suspend their registration cannot benefit from the mobility. Students doing a double major can only use one of the majors to apply for Erasmus mobility during an application period.
Specific requisites for Master and PhD students
- Must be enrolled on a full-time master or PhD program at the time of application
- The proposed mobility period must fit into the master or PhD student’s program of study/research
- Must have identified a potential supervisor at the host institution
Please click here to see our website’s announcements regarding the application.
Important Notice for University Preference
Students can choose up to 5 universities in the application form.
Please attention details below before stating the university preference:
- Check academic calendar of the host university. Make sure that you choose the right period to participate in the mobility.
- Pre-research (location,city, accommodation, campus facilities etc.) should be done in university preferences and a preference order should be made.
- The university’s course compliance and language of instruction should be checked.
- Placements will be made based on quotas and nomination dates. It may be that there is not enough quota or the nomination date has passed. Nominations of students applying for two semesters can be accepted by the host institution for a single term.In this case, if appropriate, a change of university or term can be made.
- Erasmus students are selected by their sending higher education institution in a fair and transparent way.
- Selection is done based on 50% Academic achievement + 50% Language score.
- In addition to academic achievement and language score, if the applicant has benefited from another Lifelong Learning Program or Erasmus+ mobility scheme while pursuing the same level of academic degree, 10 points will be subtracted for each and every activity utilized (regardless of whether internship or education) when calculating academic achievement and language score averages.
- Disabled students receive +10 points if proving documents are provided in the application.
- Children of martyr and veteran people receive +15 points if proving documents are provided in the application.
- Students who are covered by 2828 numbered Social Services Law receive +10 points if proving documents are provided in the application.
- Students who want to participate in mobility programs in their birth country receive -5 points.
- The Erasmus Office calculates and lists the average score of each applicant based on the calculation explained above.
- All applicants are ranked from the highest to the lowest score by faculty, and the top-scoring students are selected depending on faculty quotas, by the selection committee.
- Results are notified to all applicants in written format via e-mail and Office website.
Additional Evaluation criteria for Master and PhD students:
- Mobility Agreement Proposal feasibility and contribution to common academic interests between the sending and receiving partner institutions.
- PhD students are advised to identify potential supervisor(s) at the host institution before applying for Erasmus+ World study program.
- Relevance to institutional relations between the sending and receiving partner institutions.
IMPORTANT: Special Cases
If an application and selection round for Erasmus+ Worldwide Study and Internship program takes place at the same time, and if a student applies to both programs at the same time, then the following applies:
- If a student has not participated in an Erasmus+ program before: 10 points are deducted from the student’s overall score for one of the programs (either study or internship), and the student selects the program for deduction to be implemented. The student informs erasmus office about this decision via a written petition.
- If a student has participated in an Erasmus+ program before: 10 points are deducted for the program that the student has participated before and 20 points are deducted for the other program that the student applies.
Right to Appeal
Selected candidates will not have more than seven days to accept or reject the offered grant via erasmus@altinbas.edu.tr
If your application was neither selected for a grant nor included in the reserve list, you will be informed about the reasons and have at least one week to appeal against this decision to the Selection Committee of Altınbaş University via erasmus@altinbas.edu.tr
Being placed into an Erasmus+ partner school does not guarantee your eventual acceptance from the host university. The partner universities reserve the right to accept/reject student applications for exchange. Your acceptance will be valid only after their confirmation.
An eligibility check is done before nominating a student. Nominations are conducted by the Erasmus Office. You are not required to do anything for the nomination process except submitting your Student Commitment Form to Erasmus Office.
Please note that nominations take time and that Fall semester students are nominated before Spring semester students.
The number of grantees is determined by the National Agency in accordance with the grant allocated to the country for the year.
Grants are paid to students in two instalments. 80% of the grant is paid before departure in 45 days following the submission of documents to Erasmus Office, and the remaining 20% is paid after the student submits all required documents, depending on the mobility duration as verified by the Certificate of Attendance and taking into account the student’s level of success and fulfilling their responsibilities. Payments are made in Euros, which requires a Euro bank account in Denizbank.
Grant Amount
Erasmus+ World Study program provides monthly stipend as well as travel grant to selected participants. Altınbaş University students going to a partner country receive 700€ per month.
Selected participants also receives travel grant. The calculation is done based on the distance between Altınbaş University and the host city. Calculation is done by Distance
Travel Distances | Amount (€) |
Between 10-99 km | € 20.00 |
Between 100-499 km | € 180.00 |
Between 500-1999km | € 275.00 |
Between 2000-2999 km | € 360.00 |
Between 3000-3999 km | € 530.00 |
Between 4000- 7999 km | € 820.00 |
8000 km and more | € 1500.00 |
Important: these unit costs represent the linear distance between the city where the university of origin and the city where the host university are located. This is calculated automatically by a website indicated by the European Commission and cannot be subject to any change. The financial support allocated to the “travel distance” is the maximum allowed by the Erasmus+ Program and is intended to contribute to the round trip back between the home and host institutions. In the event that the assigned value is insufficient to pay for the desired trip, the scholarship holder must find another sources of funding.
Grant Deduction and Repayment
Deductions and/or repayment may apply to students who do not fulfill their responsibilities and/or are unsuccessful. Grant deduction and/or repayment may take place in case of the following:
- When participant completed the ⅔ of ECTS course load successfully, rest of the grant based on total duration of mobility shall be paid. Otherwise, the rest amount cannot be paid and student might be made payment back the calculated amount.
- If the participant does not complete the required after mobility documents in line with the terms of the agreement, the rest of the grant based on total duration of mobility shall be deducted.
- If the participant does not submit the partner university transcript of records and approved certificate of participation which are the proof for fulfillment of the mobility, the grant that has been paid before shall be refunded by the student.
- If the participant does not complete the online final participant report(EU Survey) after the mobility, %20 of the grant will be deducted. If OLS exams are not completed, 5% of the grant based on total duration of mobility shall be deducted.
- If a participant fails to submit and complete all the required paperwork to Altınbaş University on time, the participant will be obliged to pay the grant received back to Altınbaş University.
- If a student returns home country before the end of the mobility period and/or before the min. required duration (min. 3 months), then sanctions regarding the Erasmus+ grant will be implemented. If there is a “Force Majeure” situation, student should immediately get in touch with Erasmus Office and Erasmus Office will seek the Turkish National Agency’s advice and approval on the matter. If Turkish National Agency approves the situation as “Force Majeure”, then Erasmus Office will inform the student and the student will be able to return home before the end of the mobility period. The student will only receive the grant for valid days of mobility. If the student returns home without getting in touch with Erasmus Office first, then the mobility will be considered as invalid and the student will be asked to return the initial grant back to Altınbaş University.
Zero Grant Students
Students are able to participate in Erasmus+ World Study program without receiving a grant. However, it should be noted that the students have to go through the same application & selection procedures and also submit the required documents (before-during-after mobility)
Erasmus Disability Grant
- Additional grants are available for students with disabilities and health conditions wishing to participate in an Erasmus+ placement and where participation would not be possible without extra financial support.
- The allowance is offered when disabilities or health conditions lead to additional mobility costs, which exceed the maximum grant allocations allowed, and which cannot be recovered from other sources. The grant covers approved actual costs.
- Applications for the Erasmus Disability Grant must be submitted to Erasmus office prior to the start of the mobility.
- Student’s application must include a statement from a doctor or other authority confirming the disability or health condition, its severity, the impact on the Erasmus+ mobility, additional requirements and additional costs to be met. A detailed estimate of costs is required.
- The application should provide information on any other sources of financial support that the student receives and why this is insufficient to cover extra costs.
- If you have any questions please send an e-mail to erasmus@altinbas.edu.tr
Faculty Coordinators | Academic Unit | |
Hülya Şahiner | Graphic Design | hulya.sahiner@altinbas.edu.tr |
Nur Banu Kavaklı Birdal | Sociology | banu.kavakli@altinbas.edu.tr |
Serdar Ay | Mechanical Engineering | serdar.ay@altinbas.edu.tr |
Aykut Erkal | Civil Engineering | aykut.erkal@altinbas.edu.tr |
Merih Kasap | Interior Architecture and Environmental Design | merih.kasap@altinbas.edu.tr |
Ersin Embel | International Relations | ersin.embel@altinbas.edu.tr |
Başak Bıyıkoğlu | Faculty of Dentistry | basak.biyikoglu@altinbas.edu.tr |
Berna Ekal Şimşek | Social Services | berna.ekal@altinbas.edu.tr |
Burak Emre Gürsoy | Psychology | burak.gursoy@altinbas.edu.tr |
Yiğit Çetin | Architecture | yigit.cetin@altinbas.edu.tr |
Janet Barış | Radio, Television ve Cinema | janet.baris@altinbas.edu.tr |
Eylem Akdeniz Göker | Political Science and Public Administration | eylem.akdeniz@altinbas.edu.tr |
Gülçin Büyükdöğerli | Vocational School of Health Services | gulcin.buyukdogerli@altinbas.edu.tr |
Arzu Temizyürek | Faculty of Medicine | arzu.temizyurek@altinbas.edu.tr |
Hakan Kaygusuz | Basic Sciences | hakan.kaygusuz@altinbas.edu.tr |
Özlem Özarslan Saydar | International Trade and Finance | ozlem.saydar@altinbas.edu.tr |
Fatih Yiğit | Industrial Engineering | fatih.yigit@altinbas.edu.tr |
İlyas Gölcüklü | Faculty of Law | ilyas.golcuklu@altinbas.edu.tr |
Gül Esin Delipınar | International Logistics Management | gul.delipinar@altinbas.edu.tr |
Özlem Özarslan Saydar | Business Administration | ozlem.saydar@altinbas.edu.tr |
İncilay Yıldız | Management Information Systems | kaan.cengiz@altinbas.edu.tr |
Nevzat Barış Vardar | Economics | nevzat.vardar@altinbas.edu.tr |
Nihan Akdemir | Fashion and Textile Design | nihan.akdemir@altinbas.edu.tr |
Hülya Şahiner | Painting - Plastic Arts | hulya.sahiner@altinbas.edu.tr |
Oğuz Ata | Software Engineering | oguz.ata@altinbas.edu.tr |
Merve Yavuz Duzgun | Gastronomy and Culinary Arts | merve.duzgun@altinbas.edu.tr |
Özgül Özkoç | Health Management | ozgul.ozkoc@altinbas.edu.tr |
Sefer Kurnaz | Computer Engineering | sefer.kurnaz@altinbas.edu.tr |
Hakan AKTUĞ | Jewelry Design | hakan.aktug@altinbas.edu.tr |
Yasemin Yücel Yücel | Faculty of Pharmacy | yasemin.yucel@altinbas.edu.tr |
Mesut Çevik | Electric-Electronic Engineering | mesut.cevik@altinbas.edu.tr |
Hakan Koyuncu | Institute Academic Coordinator | hakan.koyuncu@altinbas.edu.tr |
Ersin Embel | International Relations | ersin.embel@altinbas.edu.tr |
Sepanta Naimi | Civil Engineering | mohsen.seyedi@altinbas.edu.tr |
Demet Çağıl Ayvalıoğlu | Aesthetic Dentistry | demet.cagil@altinbas.edu.tr |
Pelin Acar Ulutaş | Orthodontics | pelin.ulutas@altinbas.edu.tr |
Nilay Aksoy | Healthcare Management | nilay.aksoy@altinbas.edu.tr |
İpek Çoruhlu | Histology | ipek.coruhlu@altinbas.edu.tr |
Genada Sinani | Pharmaceutical Sciences | genada.sinani@altinbas.edu.tr |
Süleyman Baştürk | Mechanical Engineering | suleyman.basturk@altinbas.edu.tr |
Abdullahi Abdu İbrahim | Electric-Computer Engineering | abdullahi.ibrahim@altinbas.edu.tr |
Oğuz Ata | Information Technologies | oguz.ata@altinbas.edu.tr |
Can Uzun | Architecture | can.uzun@altinbas.edu.tr |
Murad Canbulut | Business Administration | murad.canbulut@altinbas.edu.tr |
Eylem Akdeniz Göker | Political Science and International Relations | eylem.akdeniz@altinbas.edu.tr |
Sinan Odabaşı | Public Law | sinan.odabasi@altinbas.edu.tr |
Sinan Odabaşı | Civil Law | sinan.odabasi@altinbas.edu.tr |
Raife Yaşar Eyiler | Plastic Arts | raife.eyiler@altinbas.edu.tr |
Şebnem Garip Ustaoglu | Biomedical Sciences | sebnem.garip@altinbas.edu.tr |
İlayda Demircioğlu | Periodontology | ilayda.demircioglu1@altinbas.edu.tr |
Demet Çağıl Ayvalıoğlu | Aesthetic Dentistry | demet.cagil@altinbas.edu.tr |
Aliye Tuğçe Tanyeri Gürcan | Pediatric Dentistry | tugce.gurcan@altinbas.edu.tr |
Fatih Yiğit | Industrial Engineering | fatih.yigit@altinbas.edu.tr |
Yasin Kütük | Economics | yasin.kutuk@altinbas.edu.tr |
Burak Emre Gürsoy | Psychology | burak.gursoy@altinbas.edu.tr |
Abdu İbrahim | Data Analytics | abdullahi.ibrahim@altinbas.edu.tr |
Demet Çağıl Ayvalıoğlu | Prosthetic Dentistry | demet.cagil@altinbas.edu.tr |
Sinan Odabaşı | International Taxation | sinan.odabasi@altinbas.edu.tr |
Tanyeri Uslu | Strategic Marketing and Brand Management | tanyeri.uslu@altinbas.edu.tr |
Deniz Emrah Baykal | School of Foreign Languages | deniz.baykal@altinbas.edu.tr |
After you are selected please note that you will be expected to submit documents below to Erasmus Office.
- Learning Agreement for Study: Students have to fill in all the parts of the Learning Agreement electronically. Hand-written Learning Agreement will not be accepted by Erasmus Office. Students are asked to fill in the Learning Agreement and sign it. Students should also get the signature of the host university’s representative, Altınbaş University Departmental Erasmus Coordinator. Electronically filled out and fully signed LA should be submitted to Erasmus Office.
- Letter of acceptance: You are asked to submit the “Letter of Acceptance” when you receive it from the host university.
- Recognition Sheet Before Mobility: Similar to the Learning Agreement, you are asked the fill out the Recognition Sheet in coordination with your Departmental Erasmus Coordinator. The participant is required to submit the approved & signed form to Erasmus Office.
- Insurance Coverage: Students are required to have international insurance coverage for the duration of their mobility and submit the proving paperwork to Erasmus Office . The following coverage is suggested:
- Health insurance coverage: Usually basic coverage is provided by the national health insurance of the participant as well during his/her stay in another EU country through the European Health Insurance Card. However, the coverage of the European Health Insurance Card or private insurance may not be sufficient, especially in the case of repatriation and specific medical intervention. In that case, complimentary private insurance might be useful. It is the responsibility of the sending institution of the student to ensure that the participant is aware of health insurance issues.
- Online Linguistic Support (OLS): Once students complete above-mentioned documents, they will be assigned an online language test via e-mail by Erasmus Office. This test has to be completed within the timeline provided. If it is not completed on time, sanctions mentioned in the grant agreement will be implemented.
- Grant Agreement: Once the student completes and submits all the documents to the Erasmus Office, a draft version of the Grant Agreement is shared with the student by the Erasmus Office. The student is obliged to fill in necessary places (i.e. bank account details, etc.), sign each page of the agreement, and sign the signatory part of two copies of the agreement. The student is then asked to submit 2 signed copies to Erasmus office.
- Confirmation of Stay (Before): After arrival to host institution, student must get signature from the host institution and send this document to via e-mail our Erasmus Office. This is important document for confirmation of arrival.
During Mobility
Documents to be submitted by student upon arrival at the host university:
Learning Agreement: If the student wants to make a change on the Learning agreement, “During” part of the LA should be filled out electronically. The revised agreement should be signed by the host university’s representative, Departmental Erasmus Coordinator and Altınbaş University Erasmus Institutional Coordinator. This copy should be submitted to the Erasmus Office via e-mail.
After Mobility
Following the completion of the program, student has to take the following steps.
- Certificate of Attendance: Before departure from host institution, student must get signature from the host institution, and submit the Certificate of Participation to Erasmus Office.
- Fill online EU Survey: EU Survey is needed to be filled out online. Erasmus Office will be sending you the link of the survey through the Mobility Tool.
- OLS: Students are required to complete the 2nd OLS test at the end of their mobility period.
- Transcript: You are required to submit a copy of your transcript to Erasmus Office. Most of the time, partner universities send transcripts to Erasmus Office and then inform students. Students are required to collect the original copy of their transcript from Erasmus Office and take it to their faculties for transfer of courses with grades and credits.
- Recognition Sheet After Mobility: Similar to the Learning Agreement, you are asked the fill out the Recognition Sheet in coordination with your Departmental Erasmus Coordinator. The participant is required to submit the approved & signed form to Erasmus Office
- If you are participating in the program for one semester you are obliged to take 30 ECTS credits.
- If you are participating in the program for two semesters you are obliged to take 60 ECTS credits.
- After your mobility you have to transfer the courses taken at the partner university with their grades and credits (Full Recognition).
- In order to receive the rest of the grant , minimum 2/3 of the total ECTS should be successfully completed. Success rate is also important to calculate deduction amount.
Success Rate | Deduction |
%65-%50 | %5 |
%49-%25 | %10 |
%24-%5 | %15 |
%4-%0 | %20 |
- To cancel your application, you need to submit the cancellation petition to Erasmus Office, by sending their petition in an e-mail to erasmus@altinbas.edu.tr You can find the template here
It should be noted that students, who cancel their exchange after the “notice period” provided by Erasmus Office right after the announcement of placement results, would lose -10 points if they apply for Erasmus+ Program again in the future.