Below please find the Teaching Mobility Procedure at Altınbaş University
- For such a visit to occur, there must be a valid Erasmus agreement for Teaching Staff Mobility (TSM), click here between Altınbaş University and the home institution of the teaching staff (TS).
- The departments/faculties/Institutes /schools will consider how the visit fits with their work plan and academic timetables and curriculum.
- The next step is to get in touch with the Department Coordinator (DC) that TS wishes to visit us. Please click here on the Department Coordinator list. – click the link and see the ”Who is My Coordinator”.
- TS and the DC must jointly fill out and sign the document. To receive a signed copy of your Mobility agreement, please contact the related department directly via e-mail.
- An official letter of invitation (for example click here) must be prepared by the related Departments/Faculties/institutes/School that would like to host you.
- Please email a copy of your “Teaching Mobility Agreement” and send it to erasmus@altinbas.edu.tr or once you arrive, your first stop should be the Alumni Relations and Internationalization Office for a short meeting.
- At the end of your mobility period, you will receive your Confirmation Letter from your host departments/faculties/Institutes /schools.
- At the end of your mobility period, you will receive your Confirmation Letter from the related department. Please (click here) for a Confirmation Letter.
Erasmus+ Administrative Staff (STT) mobility measures are organized in close cooperation within the relevant administrative unit.
If you are interested in Training Mobility then the following information should help you in applying for an exchange with us. Prospective administrative visitors are recommended to contact erasmus@altınbas.edu.tr and inform them about your travel plans at least 1 month before the visit. Our office refers you to related departments/Units
- Please plan your visit with related departments that best suit the purpose of your visit. Please (click here) to see the list of the administrative departments/Unit
- For the Training program (ST), there is no need for an Erasmus+ agreement between Altınbaş University and your home institution; however, the home university must have an Erasmus University Charter.
- The Departments/Units will consider how the visit fits with their plan of work schedule
- A letter of invitation will be issued by the related department that would like to host you. Please(click here)for the Invitation Letter
- To receive a signed copy of your Training Mobility agreement, please get in touch with the related department via e-mail. Please (click here) on the Training Mobility Agreement
- Please email a copy of your “Training Mobility Agreement” and send it to erasmus@altinbas.edu.tr or once you arrive, your first stop should be the Alumni Relations and Internalization Office for a short meeting in Mahmutbey Campus.
- At the end of your mobility period, you will receive your Confirmation Letter from the related department. Please (click here) for a Confirmation Letter.
Erasmus+ KA171 (Non-European Countries) Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments (STA) is a mobility activity that allows academic staff of a Higher Education Institution (HEI) to teach and carry joint academic/educational activities at a partner HEI in the program countries around the globe. Erasmus+ KA171 Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments might include a variety of activities such as lecturing, hands-on teaching activities, giving a seminar and organizing a workshop.
Erasmus+ KA107 (Non-European Countries) Staff Mobility for Training (STT) is a mobility activity that supports the professional development of administrative staff in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in the form of training events abroad (excluding conferences) and job shadowing/observation periods/training at a partner HEI, or at another relevant organization in the program countries.
GlobALTINBAS International Staff Week 22/23
Erasmus+ KA107 (Non-European Countries) Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments (STA) is a mobility activity that allows the academic staff of a Higher Education Institution (HEI) to teach and carry joint academic/educational activities at a partner HEI in the program countries around the globe. Erasmus+ KA107 Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments might include a variety of activities such as lecturing, hands-on teaching activities, giving a seminar and organizing a workshop.
Erasmus+ KA107 (Non-European Countries) Staff Mobility for Training (STT) is a mobility activity that supports the professional development of administrative staff in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in the form of training events abroad (excluding conferences) and job shadowing/observation periods/training at a partner HEI, or at another relevant organization in the program countries.